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Ano2. Edição n7

1 de dez. de 2009


We may feel privileged because we have free access to the gospel which literally means "good news".

And what good news is that we have access with total freedom?

The good news about forgiveness of sin, about salvation for the soul and eternal life in Christ Jesus.

The Apostle Paul defined the gospel as the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, and what one believes is necessary for the submission of the good news and this is what we do through this ministry.

We communicate to you the gospel which we hear so that you can make a conscious decision to accept or reject the person of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

When a person hears the gospel, so to hear good news about the forgiveness of their sins, your soul's salvation through Christ and for Christ's promise that she will have eternal life, she is able to decide whether she wants or not to follow Jesus.

This is our role to present Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life and the role of the Holy Spirit, whom we invite to be present during this program, the role is to convince him of sin, righteousness and judgment .

We just announced the news to his heart and the Holy Spirit completes the work both spiritual and not your in my heart.

Anyone who has not accepted Christ as Lord and Savior of your life is a prisoner of sin, and still lives in a state of slavery and that is why this person is not able to leave prostitution, she could not stop drinking or drugging ; could not help committing adultery, killing, stealing, lying and other things.

This is the motivation that drives us to continue proclaiming the gospel.

It is because we know that only Jesus can deliver, heal, save one person, just as one day he did this to us.

The Bible says that a soul to God, is worth more than the entire world and also says that God loved mankind so much that he sent His Son to die for it.

And this is what we are telling you that he hears us.

Everyone, without exception, we have sinned and of the glory of God and of Christ we need to make a new covenant between God and us.

Whoever believes in the Scriptures, he who believes in this truth, the Bible says will be saved but he that believeth not is condemned already.

That is not found in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake and that lake of fire that individual will have the eternal life of pain and anguish as opposed to those who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, they have the promise of life and life in abundance.

We know that there is only one way to salvation and that is through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Jesus is the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ.

How could we stop talking about it to those who still can not be saved?

This is exactly what we are announcing through programming.

We are announcing the good news of salvation to those who do not yet know Christ.

The act of salvation that we do not talk to other people is an act of selfishness. We have to speak of Jesus' love for you to hear us.

The Apostle Paul was so overwhelmed by this love that the word of God says that he was willing to sacrifice his life in preaching the gospel.

Note that the love Jesus has for each one of us is so great that when we have this encounter with Jesus is the transformation that Jesus through His Spirit in our life is great and so deep that we feel this love of God and want to all the time proclaiming that God's love for you to hear us.

This written in the Book of Proverbs 24.11:

"Deliver those who are destined to death and those who are brought in for the kill if you can withdraw."

When we contemplate the love of God for us, we feel so much gratitude for our salvation in Christ, we need to share this salvation, for the love of Christ is also full of other pessoas.Nós love because He first loved us.

Jesus made it clear that his will is that each of us lead others to Him and said:

"Go and make disciples of all nations. Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. "

We have a personal responsibility. The accountable to God, the sovereign judge, that we will stand before God and be accountable for disclosing or not the gospel of salvation.

This is what we try to do every day. Proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom. It must be preached in all the world, giving our testimony to all people, because only then shall the end come.

I want to advise you about your salvation. How to get it. We will not make your life more or less agreeable, we will only lead you to salvation through Christ.

We will not speak of human conveniences, but from sin and the Savior who gives us eternal life.

Let's talk of sin, of renunciation, of holiness, because that is what pleases God.

See what the Apostle Paul has proposed:

"Because I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.And my speech and my preaching was not in persuasive words of human wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and power of God that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in God's power.

The Gospel proclaims that our sins have consequences, but there is a divine providence for this problem and this step is Jesus Christ our Savior.

By faith we accept Christ as our only and sufficient Savior.

Only He can restore man and take him back to fellowship with God.

Faith in Christ leads us to repentance, and when we confess our sins and repent, Scripture says that God forgives us and cleanses us by His blood, sealed with the seal of his Spirit to an eternal life with Him.

The highest honor we receive is to announce it to you that he hears us. Announce that Jesus wants to come into your heart and make you His child, an heir of God and blessed by the Father, and so are we, who profess faith in Jesus Christ.

If you want to accept Jesus, having heard this good news, after having heard about the forgiveness of their sins and their salvation through Christ and the promise that through Christ you have eternal life, you can pray with me now.

You can say:

- Lord, I acknowledge my sin and I'm listening to this program because the Lord speak to me. I recognize that my sins have ruined me and that I have overcome many obstacles in my life, I have won many sins in my life such as adultery, fornication, drunkenness, immorality, lies, because I am a sinner and I need this release. I need Christ and accept Him and repent of sins they have committed and they have led me away from the Lord. Forgive my sins, sanctify me and save me for You Thank you for this redemptive work. Thanks for listening. Thanks for saving me. Thanks for this good news I heard on this program. Thanks for listening to me and save me in Jesus name Te. Amen

Graça de Oliveira
translate: Rejane Basile Barr

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